So, just see how it works..................
Plink, plank, plonk
Splish, splash, splosh
Is a load of tosh
Fun Poem 1:
Gliding, sliding, slipping, tripping
If ice skating's too exhilarating
Try cake icing, it's quite exciting
Slapping, slopping, frosted topping
Fun Poem 2:
There was an old woman who lived in shoe.
She had eleven children, but considered it too few.
What with child benefit, tax credits and the minimum income guarantee,
She decided to up the ante and adopt a further three.
If I were going to Timbuktu
I think that I would take just you
As Timbukone sounds much less fun
And Timbukthree most unwholesome
- Fun is like that and something which can change your moods very ofently.
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